Sunday, March 16, 2003


I never put too much value in horoscopes.  I figure that given the millions of other people with the same sign as me, how often can I expect a generically written one to apply to me?  Still, every now and then…

A year or so ago, I woke up to a very cold house (it was winter, after all).  The furnace had gone out in the middle of the night.  Not quite knowing what to do, I went to the local Starbucks for coffee and pastries, and I happened to read my horoscope for the day, which said something to the effect of “Today is a good day to deal with appliance and home repair.”  (The problem turned out to be just a tripped circuit breaker, fortunately.)

This week’s horoscope in the Spectrum newspaper (by Jack Fertig) says this, in part: “This is a very tricky time for you at work and as regards your health.  […]  Frustrations at work are taking on a more personal feel.  Are you really in a job that you enjoy?  For your own well-being you cannot settle or [sic] less. Yeah, times are hard and don’t give notice until you have a better — and dependable! — gig securely lined up.”

That sure goes hand in hand with what I wrote last night (click here), doesn’t it?

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